Sunday, January 31, 2010

Inspired by the Flaming Lips at Feed Me Farms (10 for 2010)

How can a man (Wayne Coyne) and a band (The Flaming Lips) inspire us here at Feed Me Farms? It all began on New Year's Eve. We decided to take a well earned break from the farm and drive through snow and sleet to see The Flaming Lips play their hometown of Oklahoma City on this celebratory evening.

As soon as we hit the city limits, we began to see the positive influence that this band has had on their hometown. Instead of heading for the bright lights and big time status of living in L.A., New York or any other glamorous urban setting, they have chosen to stay in Oklahoma and help their States tourism and economy. And what a great job they've done. Wayne and his band mates have turned the ordinary into extraordinary. If more people did this, the world would be a much better place to live. No matter where in the world that might be, from small rural farms to big urban sprawl.

I picked up a local paper in the lobby of our hotel upon check-in and to my delight found an article called "10 for 2010".  To my surprise and delight, the first person listed was Wayne Coyne and his 10 for 2010:
1. To see U.F.O.s come down and enlighten all humans
2. To see all humans be kind to animals
3. To see religious fanatics disappear
4. To see the Pentagon levitate
5. To see Global Warming stop
6. To see marijuana de-criminalized
7. To see humans give love instead of taking it
8. To watch the Oklahoma (or in our case ,Texas) sunset more often
9. To sleep late
10. To accept things we cannot control

I was immediately drawn to Wayne's wonderful philosophy and decided, right then and there, what my new year resolutions would be. I would adopt his and add 10 for 2010 of my own:
1. To live every day with no regrets and fill our life with art, music, entertainment and laughter
2. To think less of what I want and need
3. To think more about what I have and can do with it
4. To savor the smell of fresh hay, freshly turned dirt and green pastures
5. To savor the joy in finding a hidden egg or newborn farm animal on any given day
6. To really love those around me -  be it family, friend or animal
7. To make things grow so that I can feed the minds, bodies and souls of those around me
8. To enjoy the simple pleasures of fresh food, a good bottle of wine and the time spent preparing it with the
    one I love
9. To embrace middle age and what it really means to be happy with yourself

So as we begin a new year here at the farm, these 10 + 10 will play a role in our philosophy here. It may not be the most glamorous of lives and it's not what I ever dreamed of when growing up, but it is where I've landed and I really love it.  I have come to realize that life is what you make of it, not what others make for you.  I want to find the EXTRAORDINARY everyday in the ORDINARY everyday.

Thanks Wayne!


  1. HURRAY for you guys! You can almost touch the Mirth while reading!
    Beijos- M

  2. Thank you, beautiful, inspiring and hopeful! Your lives are an example of how joyous it can be if lived within your truth!!! Obrigado querida! Muitos beijos!

  3. Have been following you for a little while now and want to say thank you for your beautiful photos and your wonderful thoughts. I am in a huge transition in my life right now and it is just one day at a time and I enjoy all the inspiration that others have to share. I use my blog as somewhat of a gratitude journal and as my eye on the prize so to speak and I love women who inspire which in turn empowers others. Many do not realize the impact that they have and I just wanted to share your little impact on me. Thank You and keep sharing those beautiful pics.
    Always, Shelly

  4. An epilogue to this post. Wayne Coyne is performing our marriage ceremony on stage at the Flaming Lips concert this New Year's holiday. Truly magic what can happen in a year! I can think of no man more positive to perform a wedding ceremony.
    Looking forward to 2011!
    Love to all of you,
    Sandy Bates Bell (soon to be Emmons)


happy hour @ FMF

happy hour @ FMF
party till the cows come home